Why is Kiwi Cave Raftings' price more competitive than other companies?
Here at Kiwi Cave Rafting we try to keep costs down, while maintaining a high level of safety and customer satisfaction. We are a kiwi owned company where the owners, who have 30 years tourism experience, manage the operation. We also do not over advertise and therefore pass on the savings to our customers by providing a great value tour.
What do I need to bring?
Swimsuit, spare socks, and a towel for the hot shower following the tour. We will supply everything else including your wet suit, boots, helmet and all safety equipment.
What are the tour times?
We usually run tours at 9am and 2pm every day, and open other tour times as these fill up or on request. For more information please email or ring us.
How fit do I need to be?
You just need to have an average level of fitness and a sense of adventure! No prior experience is needed, we provide all the safety training required.
How long does the tour take?
The tour takes 3.5 to 4 hours, depending on the number of people on the tour and their fitness level.
Can I take my Camera?
You cannot take your own camera with you on the tour for safety reasons, however, your guide takes great photos throughout the tour and you can purchase these at the end of your tour. On average you will get 60 to 100 photos per tour, plus we add approximately 50 stock photos. These are available to buy on USB or by download through a link.
Can I wear my glasses?
Glasses can be worn on the tour, however they may become scratched, broken or lost and we take no responsibility for this.
Can kids take part in the tour?
Age and weight limits may vary due to season and cave conditions (Around 13 years and 45kg). Please contact us directly to find out more.
I'm arriving on a bus, can I still do your tour?
Pick ups can be arranged through Roselands. Please call Benn on 078787611.
What is your cancellation policy?
All bookings are to be paid in advance. We require 24 hours notice to cancel or alter your booking without incurring any fees ( up to 100%) If you are late and miss your tour ( as with an airline or bus ticket) there is no refund.
Do I need to book in advance?
We recommend that you book at least 24 hours in advance to avoid disappointment, especially in the summer months. At time of booking you must supply credit card details. No booking will be taken without credit card details. If you do not have a credit card you can also book and pay direct at any NZ information centre.
What are the minimum numbers?
For groups larger than 6 please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Does the weather affect the tour?
The tour will only be canceled in cases of very heavy rain in which the cave will be flooded and we are unable to run. In most cases we will try to let you know in advance however sometimes we will not know until the day. If your tour is canceled a full refund will be given.
What is Blackwater Rafting?
It's easier to say what it isn't. It definitely isn't whitewater rafting under ground. The water in the cave is mostly calm and there are few if any rapids. In summer water levels can be quite low. On a scale of 1-10, rapids rate about a 1 or 2.
Can I park my campervan/tent at your carpark overnight?
We don't have the space or facilities for campervans or tents, however we recommend you stay at the Waitomo Top 10 Holiday Park, just 7km from our backpackers in the Waitomo Village or at the Otorohanga Holiday Park which is approximately 11km away in Otorohanga.